NFI: 2006 News

13 Awarded ISU's Elite Networks Scholarship

May 26, 2006

13名对金融服务业感兴趣的最优秀、最聪明的学生通过澳门合法赌场官网商学院获得了该校享有声望的网络奖学金. The 2006 class of scholars represent the fourth year for this elite program.

Recipients of the Networks Scholarship receive a four-year, $20,000 scholarship to support the cost of tuition and fees, a $3,000 professional development account, and a new wireless laptop computer. Scholars also participate in a variety of professional development activities, including at least one paid internship, an international experience, interactions with an ISU faculty mentor during the freshman and sophomore years, and an executive mentor experience during the junior and senior years.

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ISU's Mobile Financial Literacy Classroom Visits Indianapolis School

May 17, 2006

澳门合法赌场官网网络金融研究所(NFI)推出了新的移动金融知识教室. "The Kids Count on the Money Bus" or the "Money Bus," for short, is a visual, hands-on way of exposing young students (particularly in grades 3 to 5) to financial concepts, such as saving or spending wisely, managing financial accounts, using credit and debit cards, and much more. 这辆巴士是一辆40英尺长的客车,有13个亲身体验的展览,让人们了解金钱既有趣又令人兴奋.

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ISU's Mobile Financial Literacy Classroom Hits the Road

May 8, 2006

澳门合法赌场官网网络金融研究所(NFI)推出了新的移动金融知识教室. "The Kids Count on the Money Bus" or the "Money Bus," for short, is a visual, hands-on way of exposing young students (particularly in grades 3 to 5) to financial concepts, such as saving or spending wisely, managing financial accounts, using credit and debit cards, and much more. 这辆巴士是一辆40英尺长的客车,有13个亲身体验的展览,让人们了解金钱既有趣又令人兴奋.

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The Money Bus Has Arrived

April 10, 2006


The "Kids Count on the Money Bus" - or the "Money Bus," for short - will be a visual, hands-on way of exposing young students, particularly in grades three through five, to financial concepts, such as saving and spending wisely, managing financial accounts, using credit and debit cards, and much more.


It will be unveiled for ISU dignitaries, legislators, supporters and friends of ISU at a special reception April 20 at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis. 招待会将作为NFI金融知识社区活动的一部分-“与Michelle Singletary的一个晚上”." Singletary, author, television host and nationally syndicated Washington Post columnist, 她会用她的幽默和朴实的风格来教育与会者关于金融知识和储蓄的重要性吗.

Money Bus, 2006

From Whence We Came

To get a better understanding of the state of financial literacy instruction, NFI conducted a survey of teachers of Indiana's youth from kindergarten through 12th grade. In the process, 他们在印第安纳州的课堂上了解了金融知识领域的现状和现状.

Based on the research, 调查发现,46%的受访教师从幼儿园到五年级都没有教授金融知识, and 54 percent do not teach financial literacy at all. 尽管80%的K-12教师认为在课堂上教授金融知识很重要,但这种情况仍然存在. 75%的受访者表示,如果有与金融知识直接相关的学术标准,他们会教授更多的金融知识.

Armed with this information, NFI将注意力转向利用大多数印第安纳州教师对教授金融知识的渴望和精力, in part, by addressing the specific barriers they face - time, resources and clear standards.

“我们希望金钱巴士将成为印第安纳州教育和政治领导人心灵和思想变化的催化剂," said Elizabeth Coit, executive director of ISU's Networks Financial Institute, "that the bus will add critical weight to a move toward an integrated, standards-driven financial literacy program from kindergarten through high school."

All the Bells and Whistles

As early focus groups were conducted, very clear ideas surfaced as to what the Money Bus should encompass. First, it needed to be available at little or no cost to the schools. Its primary focus should be on learning rather than entertainment, with a solid, comprehensive curriculum at its core. Finally, the curriculum must be mapped to Indiana academic standards in order to be relevant.

Bringing such a creative, detailed concept to life took many hours, minds and hands, including manufacturer Farber Specialty Vehicles; designer Rowland Design Inc.; builder Murphy Catton Co.; and curriculum developer Words and Numbers Inc., in conjunction with Priscilla Wolfe, director of the Leadership Development Institute in ISU's College of Business; and many others.

"This is truly a one-of-a-kind initiative," said David Godsted, director of outreach for ISU's Networks Financial Institute.

“金钱巴士”课程将通过一个校内银行和在40英尺长的乘客车厢内外的13种不同的金融知识活动来体验. Two features are swipe-card technology to track a student's participation and purchases while on board, 以及“制作你自己的圣代”展览,向学生们展示圣代的价格是如何根据配料的不同而变化的.

"The Money Bus is important in ways far beyond the students' lives it will benefit," said Ron Green, dean of ISU's College of Business. "It will act as an outreach for ISU, connecting younger students with the university's financial literacy programs. 我们希望这将增加全州和地区对ISU学术项目和倡议的兴趣."

Show Me the Money Bus

NFI will pilot its Money Bus program this spring and through the summer months. Official visits will begin this fall. The bus's future activities will be coordinated by a staff facilitator, who will schedule activities with schools, teachers, volunteers and students.

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Ethics: The Primary Building Block of Business

March 27, 2006

总统奖学金是澳门合法赌场官网最具竞争力的奖学金(高中班级前10%的学生至少有3个).7 out of 4.0 GPA). Networks Scholarships are for students studying any area within the realm of financial services (marketing, finance, insurance and risk management, accounting, etc.). Gongaware Scholarships are for students specifically majoring in the field of insurance and risk management.

"Treat others as you would expect to be treated." Much like the Ten Commandments of life, this is essentially one of the Ten Commandments of business as well, according to Jeff Taylor, president of Pearson, Inc., 也是澳门合法赌场官网首届“道德与企业责任”会议的几位演讲者之一," March 27.

The conference was sponsored by ISU's College of Business and Networks Financial Institute at ISU, and the university's Networks, President's and Gongaware scholars worked hard to make the event a tremendous success. 会议规划和后勤是学者们大三目标的一部分,以增强体验式学习机会和领导技能.

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ISU to Host First Conference on "Ethics And Corporate Responsibility"

March 25, 2006

The conference is being planned and executed by Networks, President's and Gongaware scholars, all in their junior year of study at ISU. Networks Scholars are students majoring in any areas pertaining to financial services (finance, marketing, insurance, etc.). Gongaware Scholars are students studying insurance and risk management. President's Scholars are the top scholars at ISU.

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Assessing Adult Financial Literacy Focus of Next NFI Financial Forum

March 23, 2006

Financial illiteracy is becoming widely recognized as a fundamental problem in the United States. As many as 40 million Americans do not use mainstream banking services, and only 27 percent of adults feel well informed about managing their own household finances.

These statistics seem unrealistic for the 21st century, but if this is the state of the problem, then how are we to arrive at a solution? 3月28日,澳门合法赌场官网网络金融研究所召集了一个全国专家小组,讨论美国成年人的金融知识状况.S. today as part of its ongoing Financial Forum Series.

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NFI Summit Ignites Debate on Both Sides of Federal Charter Issue

March 2, 2006

They say there are two sides to every issue, and in the case of a proposed optional federal charter (OFC) for the insurance industry, this has never been more true.

今天(3月1日),在华盛顿罗纳德·里根国际贸易中心举行的网络金融研究所第三届年度保险峰会上,出现了两种截然不同的立场, D.C. The summit was presented by NFI at Indiana State University and sponsored in part by B&D Consulting LLC.

"The idea of insurance regulatory reform is a growing topic, and we're happy to be playing a lead role in bringing these key decision makers together to discuss it," said Liz Coit, executive director of Networks Financial Institute at Indiana State University. "This year's summit has enabled us to engage in some very active dialogue regarding the industry."

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NFI Insurance Summit Ignites Debate on Both Sides of Federal Charter Issue

March 1, 2006

They say there are two sides to every issue, and in the case of a proposed optional federal charter (OFC) for the insurance industry, this has never been more true.

今天(3月1日),在华盛顿罗纳德·里根国际贸易中心举行的网络金融研究所第三届年度保险峰会上,出现了两种截然不同的立场, D.C. The summit was presented by NFI at Indiana State University and sponsored in part by B&D Consulting LLC.

"The idea of insurance regulatory reform is a growing topic, and we're happy to be playing a lead role in bringing these key decision makers together to discuss it," said Liz Coit, executive director of Networks Financial Institute at Indiana State University. "This year's summit has enabled us to engage in some very active dialogue regarding the industry."

NFI Insurance Summit 2006

Industry panelists for the summit pictured are, from left to right: Charles T. Richardson of Baker and Daniels LLP, J. Kevin McKechnie of the American Bankers Insurance Association and Charles E. Symington, Jr., representing the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America. Others included:  Gary Hughes of the American Council of Life Insurers, J. Stephen Zielezienski of the American Insurance Association, and Richard Bouhan of the National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices (NAPSLO).

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Indiana State University's Networks Financial Institute Honored by Indiana House and Senate

February 21, 2006


“我们很高兴能够获得这样的认可,因为这个学习项目对于为国家培养未来的金融服务领导者非常重要," said ISU President Lloyd W. Benjamin. “我们的目标是继续在过去四年的成功基础上再接再厉,继续吸引那些想要进入这个行业的最聪明、最优秀的人才."

Representatives of Indiana State, 参众两院代表网络和网络学者计划提出联合决议时,网络和网络学者计划也在场. One reason for the resolution, which was introduced by Rep. Clyde Kersey and Senator Tim Skinner, 是澳门合法赌场官网通过著名的网络学者项目为金融服务、保险和风险管理行业提供重要资源的事实吗.

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ISU's Networks Financial Institute Presents Third Annual Insurance Summit in Washington, D.C.

February 17, 2006

Should there be a federal role in insurance chartering and regulation? If so, how might this impact the industry? 作为3月1日在华盛顿举行的第三届网络金融研究所(NFI)保险峰会的一部分,金融服务和政府的主要人物将就保险改革的影响和潜力分享关键问题和观点, D.C. The event will take place from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center.

The summit is presented by NFI at Indiana State University and contributing sponsor B&D Consulting LLC, and will include featured speakers such as:

Scott Harrington, who is Alan B. Miller Professor at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, will discuss "Federal Charters for Insurance Companies: Options and Alternatives;" Harrington is former president of both the American Risk and Insurance Association and the Risk Theory Society and is currently on the Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee (American Enterprise Institute).

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Contact Us

Networks Financial Institute
Scott College of Business

Federal Hall
30 N. 7th St., Room 105
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN 47809


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