
约翰·C. 艾尔,CFP

约翰·艾尔John oversees investment processes and strategies as well as risk management for the Asset 管理 Group. 他拥有超过20年的投资组合管理经验, 专门从事信托和机构资产管理, 并且是注册财务规划师™(CFP). 加入第一财经之前, he served as Senior Portfolio Manager for First National Bank (FNB) Corporation. He earned his bachelor's degree in 工商管理 at Norwich University in Vermont.



查尔斯·理查德查克·理查德 has been a member of the Business and Accountancy faculties at Truman State University since 2004. Professor Boughton has been involved as faculty mentor with Truman's SMIF "The Bulldog Student Investment Fund" since its inception in 2011. He is an ardent supporter and proponent of the types "hands on" learning that opportunities like SMIF involvement provide.


Kevin P. Davitt

凯文Davitt凯文Davitt是芝加哥期权交易所期权研究所的高级讲师, 哪个是交流的教育部门. Kevin于2015年加入CBOE. 在期权研究所工作之前, he was a successful Market Maker on the floor of the CBOE and PHLX for LETCO Trading/TD Options as well as Market Street Securities. Davitt traded a variety of Equity, ETF, and Index options between 1999 and 2007. 他在商品期权交易方面也有丰富的经验. Kevin has worked with retail and institutional clientele in a brokerage capacity.

戴维特曾为彭博社提供评论, 路透, 柱形图表, 内部期货和各种其他基于市场的媒体. 他毕业于马凯特大学(金融与政治学)。. 凯文是一名自豪的埃文斯学者校友. 工作之余,他喜欢与妻子、小儿子和狗在一起. 凯文喜欢读书、跑步和看现场音乐表演.

本杰明R. 染料

本杰明染料Benjamin joined First Financial Bank in June 2012 as a Loan Review Analyst and has been with Asset 管理 since January 2014. He is responsible for the management of trust investments as well as servicing individual client accounts. Ben received his bachelor's degree in 金融 from 澳门合法赌场官网 and his 工商管理硕士 with a finance concentration from Ohio University.


Dr. 马哈茂德·米. 哈达德

马哈茂德•哈达德Dr. 哈达德 is a professor of 金融 at the college of Business And Global Affairs,田纳西大学马丁分校. He received a BA and 工商管理硕士 in 会计 from Minnesota State University,and Ph.D. 阿拉巴马大学金融学硕士 . 他在韦恩州立大学教金融, 田纳西大学马丁分校, 阿拉巴马大学, 阿拉伯裔美国人大学-杰宁, 亚美尼亚美国大学, 贝鲁特美国大学, al - quds大学, 东密歇根大学和明尼苏达州立大学. Dr. 哈达德获得了电子教学认证, he has broad experience in Distant and 在线 teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.

Dr. 哈达德发表了30多篇论文. 他的论文已发表在权威期刊上. Dr. 哈达德 was the Financial and 会计 Manager at the American Family Insurance Co., the Executive Director of 研究 at the Palestinian Monetary Authority, the Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs and Dean of College of Business and Financial Sciences at Arab American University and a 研究 Scholar and Head of Economic and Social Studies Division at the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and 研究. He.is the co-director of the UTM Tennessee Valley Authority Investment Challenge program and a UDAID visiting scholar and senior 金融 education consultant.


凯文Hincks凯文Hincks is a senior specialist in the Trader Group at TD Ameritrade. 凯文回答了无数客户的问题——来自股票, options and futures to the ins and outs of TD Ameritrade's industry-leading trading platform, 选择权). 他也是《澳门合法赌场官网》的联合主持人, 每周选择权)用户秀,and host of "The Options Hour" which can be found on the Tiger Financial News Network.

Kevin has been trading on an exchange membership without interruption since January 1986 and previously owned and operated the original Designated Primary Market-Maker (DPM) for GE and Pepsico options on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE).作为一个土生土长的芝加哥人, Kevin still actively trades Agriculture futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)/Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT).

兰德尔·K. 米纳斯,CFP

兰迪·米纳斯兰德尔·K. 米纳斯(Randy), 注册理财规划师™澳门合法赌场官网,is an Executive Vice President and Financial Advisor with 城市证券公司私人客户组. 他在金融服务行业拥有超过37年的经验,专精于理财, 市政债券, 以及推行遗产规划策略,金融, 还有退休计划.

Randy earned his bachelor's degree in management and a minor in accounting from 澳门合法赌场官网 where today he serves on the 校董会. He also serves on the ISU 基金会 Board and is Chair of the Investment Committee at ISU. 通过慷慨的捐赠,他和妻子, 南希, created a foundation which has established the Randall and 南希 Minas Financial Trading Room at the university's College of Business.


以利沙波特菲尔德以利沙波特菲尔德, 注册理财规划师™, is a Financial Advisor with 城市证券公司私人客户组. Elisha has over 12 years of experience in the 金融 services industry, 专攻退休 & 财务规划. 除了成为注册理财规划师™澳门合法赌场官网人士, 以利沙持有FINRA系列7, 63, 66, 24个证券牌照, 以及她在印第安纳州的生活 & 加上长期护理的健康保险许可证.

Elisha graduated from Culver Academies and went on to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in 金融 from Butler University in 印第安纳州polis, 印第安纳州. 她是瓦尔帕莱索的居民,印第安纳州, where she lives with her husband and serves as Chair of the 金融 Committee for the Valparaiso First United Methodist Church and as the President of the Valparaiso chapter of lions 俱乐部 国际.

肖恩一个. Sabau, CFP

肖恩Sabau肖恩一个. Sabau, 注册理财规划师™澳门合法赌场官网, is a Senior Vice President and Financial Advisor with the Minas Sabau Porterfield Group of City Securities Corporation. Shawn has over fifteen years of experience in the 金融 services industry, 专攻投资管理, 市政债券, 退休计划, 实施遗产规划策略, 以及节税投资.

除了成为注册理财规划师™澳门合法赌场官网人士, 肖恩持有FINRA系列7,63个和65个证券牌照, 还有他的印第安纳人寿保险执照. 他是Crown Point的终身居民, 印第安纳州, 毕业于普渡大学,获得学士学位.肖恩和他的妻子斯蒂芬妮有两个孩子. 肖恩喜欢指导青少年体育运动,并与家人共度时光.


莎拉塔伦特莎拉塔伦特于2014年加入City Securities私人客户集团. As a Registered Financial Associate,Sarah assists in all areas of client services. Sarah holds FINRA Series 7 and 66 securities licenses,以及她在印第安纳州的生活 & 健康保险许可证. 在加入城市证券之前,

Sarah gained experience as an Investor 服务 Administrator at HedgeServ Corporation.Sarah earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Financial Counseling and Planning from Purdue University,辅修工商管理.  萨拉目前和丈夫住在印第安纳州的克朗波因特.


吠陀经Williams-Ross韦达·威廉姆斯-罗斯是注册金融合伙人 城市证券公司私人客户组.Veda在金融服务行业拥有超过30年的经验, 专注于客户服务,要求个人退休帐户的最低分配额,管理资金账户的操作.

韦达在圣. 印第安纳州伦斯勒的约瑟夫学院. Veda holds FINRA Series 7 and 66 securities licenses, 以及她在印第安纳州的生活 Insurance license. She currently resides in Country Club Hills, Illinois with her husband and adult son.